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Internet Exchanges

You can peer with us through the listed IX below or in PeeringDB. Peering over RS is strongly recommended over direct sessions.

* Badge RS indicates we are currently peering with route servers of this IX.

Physical IX

LocIX Frankfurt RS185.1.167.772001:7f8:f2:e1:0:15:289:1
ONIX Exchange RS-2001:504:125:e1::aabb

Virtual IX

Impart IX RS185.0.34.82001:7f8:145:1001:0:15:289:1
ZXIX Hong Kong RS-2406:840:1f:1000:0:15:289:1
Fog IXP RS-2001:7f8:ca:1:0:15:289:1
4b42 IXP RS-2001:7f8:d0::2:4b11:1